Workshop Memories Collection - Set


SKU: 14.401

Workshop Memories Collection - Set is backordered. We will ship it separately in 10 to 15 days.

Our designer, Kyle Brewer, has taken his creative ideas and brought childhood memories to life in his debut collection of pewter ornaments: Workshop Memories. What began as a kick-starter idea has become a full fledged project, available in-store and online.

This collection features seven miniature tool ornaments with intricate details, all to scale. From the handle of the sledgehammer, to the blade of the saw; these tools take you on a journey back into your workshop. Perfect for the crafter or handy person in your life. 

The set includes the following ornaments: 

Hatchet - 2.5" x 0.9"

Axe - 2.75" x 0.7"

Handsaw - 2.75" x 0.6"

Chisel - 2.75" x 0.35"

File - 2.72" x 0.35"

Sledgehammer - 2.25" x 0.95"

Anvil - - 2.2" x 0.95" x 0.62"